It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. -- Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Peeved Parishioners Leaving SF Catholic Church Over Ban On Girls As Altar Servers « CBS San Francisco

The following excerpts are from CBS San Francisco:

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — A Bay Area church is now under fire over a controversial new policy saying only boys can be altar servers.
The new practice is making waves at the century old church Star of the Sea. Since the ’70s, they’ve used altar girls during masses.

The well-known Richmond District church also has a school serving about 230 kids. When the new priest banned girls from being altar servers, it generated outrage among parents and parishioners alike. The priest admits some parishioners even left the church.

It’s disturbing,” said churchgoer Connie Porciuncula.

Star of the Sea School parent Tara Widmer agrees. “They’re definitely taking a step in the wrong direction,” she said.

Father Joseph Illo took over five months ago and decided to train only boys to be altar servers. He said he has no choice but to exclude girls because the future of the church is at stake.

The specifics of serving at the altar is a priestly function,” Illo said. “And the Catholic church does not ordain women.”

But many parishioners and parents criticize the new practice saying it sends the wrong message.

It just kind of makes me feel that I’m not good enough because I’m a girl,” said a 7th grader at the school who wishes to stay anonymous.

Some have left this church, others are threatening to leave.

Read more by clicking below:

Peeved Parishioners Leaving SF Catholic Church Over Ban On Girls As Altar Servers « CBS San Francisco

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