It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. -- Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Overlooked Asian-American voters could tip scales in November election -

The following excerpts are from The Hill:
  • Politicians predict 2012 will be the “tipping point” year for Asian-Americans, as this once-marginalized demographic overtakes Hispanics as the fastest-growing racial group in the United States, and offers a cache of independent votes for the taking.
  • “I think the time has come and we deserve a seat at the table,” said Manan Trivedi, an Indian-American physician and Iraq war veteran running as a Democrat in Pennsylvania’s 6th district. 
  • Trivedi is just one of a record 25 Asian-American candidates running for Congress this year, hoping to capitalize on exploding immigration rates. 

Click the link below to read more:

Overlooked Asian-American voters could tip scales in November election -

Jim Matheson becomes first Democrat to back placing Eric Holder in contempt -

The following excerpts are from The Hill:
  • Rep. Jim Matheson (Utah) on Tuesday became the first Democrat to declare his support for placing Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.
  • "It just compounds the tragedy when both sides play politics instead of releasing the facts. The Terry family, the public and Congress deserve answers," said Matheson, according to The Salt Lake Tribine. "Sadly, it seems that it will take holding the attorney general in contempt to communicate that evasiveness is unacceptable."

Click the link below to read more:

Jim Matheson becomes first Democrat to back placing Eric Holder in contempt -

U.S. Opposes Palestinians’ Urgent Bid to Have Church of the Nativity Listed As ‘World Heritage’ Site |

U.S. Opposes Palestinians’ Urgent Bid to Have Church of the Nativity Listed As ‘World Heritage’ Site |

German Court Makes Circumcision for Religious Reasons a Crime |

Wow, I wish the court would decide that “fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents" also applied to cases of abortion.

The following excerpts are from
  • A German court has ruled that circumcising male infants for religious reasons, as Jews in particular have done for thousands of years, constitutes grievous bodily harm and is a crime, regardless of parental consent.
  • A public health specialist who is also a traditional Jewish circumciser called the ruling “stupid,” suggesting Wednesday that while “politically-correct modern liberal thinkers” would not be open to persuasion about Jewish values, they should at least consider studies finding wide-ranging health benefits from the procedure.
  • In a ruling bound to fuel a long-running debate over circumcision, a regional court in Cologne said Tuesday that the “fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents.”

Click the link below to read more:

German Court Makes Circumcision for Religious Reasons a Crime |

New Disability Regs Limit Slope of Mini Golf Holes, Require Businesses to Admit Mini Horses as Guide Animals |

The following excerpts are from
  • Although the Justice Department has extended the deadline for America’s hotels to comply with regulations regarding handicap access to swimming pools, new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines are already being applied at miniature golf courses, driving ranges, amusement parks, shooting ranges and saunas.
  • Among the provisions in the "Revised ADA Standards for Accessible Design," which went into effect on March 15, is one requiring businesses to allow miniature horses on their premises as guide animals for the disabled. Another limits the height of slopes on miniature golf holes.

Click the link below to read more:

New Disability Regs Limit Slope of Mini Golf Holes, Require Businesses to Admit Mini Horses as Guide Animals |

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Generous Gift Has Been Made In Your Name To Obama 2012 - Derek Hunter - [page]

This shows how desperate Obama is to be re-relected. Have your friends and relatives send his campaign a donation instead of giving you a gift. Just when you think the Obama/Biden circus couldn't get worse, they prove you wrong. 

The excerpts below are from 
  • There’s desperation. Then there’s the Obama-Biden re-election campaign’s fundraising operation.
  • Remember that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza, because he’s cheap and didn’t want to buy co-workers anything for Christmas, gave everyone a card saying a gift had been made in their name to the “Human Fund”? The Human Fund didn’t exist. George made it up because he was just that cheap.
  • That’s what makes the latest tactic from the Obama-Biden re-election campaign so weird.
  • The “Obama event registry” is something new in politics – an ask that couples who are getting married forego gifts and money to help the president. And it’s not just limited to weddings. They want birthday and anniversary money, too.

Click the link below to read it all:

A Generous Gift Has Been Made In Your Name To Obama 2012 - Derek Hunter - [page]

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

NC Dems considering resolution attacking Israel for ‘illegal occupation’ of Palestine | The Daily Caller

The following excerpt are from The Daily Caller:
  • The North Carolina Democratic Party (NCDP) is seriously considering passing a resolution that would criticize Israel for its “illegal occupation” of Palestine, the latest in a long line of controversial moves coming out of one of the major battleground states President Barack Obama’s team is banking on to win re-election.
  • The resolution didn’t pass at this weekend’s NCDP state convention, but was tabled and referred to the executive committee for further consideration later. It attacks the United States for providing Israel with “$3 billion annually in military aid,” while the “Israeli occupation, disenfranchisement and impoverishment of significant numbers of the Palestinian population, and Israel’s overwhelming military might and its role as the only nuclear power threaten stability in a region witnessing increased demands for democracy and an end to autocratic rule.”

Read more:

NC Dems considering resolution attacking Israel for ‘illegal occupation’ of Palestine | The Daily Caller

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Crystal Cathedral receives new name and pastor :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Crystal Cathedral receives new name and pastor :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

VIETNAM - MALAYSIA Vietnamese migrant women treated like slaves in Malaysia - Asia News

The following excerpts are from
  • Thousands of Vietnamese women who immigrate to Malaysia full of hope for a brighter future and better wages find themselves instead victims of abuse, exploitation and prostitution.
  • About 100,000 Vietnamese work in the Muslim country, 60 per cent women, mostly from the poorer regions of Vietnam. They are not very educated and can only hope to work as domestic workers, servers, or blue-collar workers in illegal plants. Many have been cheated by labour agencies and end up as prostitutes. On 6 May, police in Kuala Lumpur arrested five young Vietnamese women, one was under 15.

Click the link below for the entire article:
VIETNAM - MALAYSIA Vietnamese migrant women treated like slaves in Malaysia - Asia News

Media Bias Against Faith Reporting

The following excerpts are from Canada Free Press:
  • Last month, 43 Catholic institutions across America joined together to defend the First Amendment and filed a total of 12 lawsuits against the Administration in order to protect the right to freedom of religion on behalf of all Americans.
  • This is the most significant religious lawsuit in U.S. history and Christian leaders all across America have joined in support of the Catholic institutions. This lawsuit is not a single action by a few “out of touch religious leaders,” as the liberal national media would like to portray it.
  • In addition to 12 various lawsuits against the mandate with a total of 43 plaintiffs from religious hospitals, colleges and universities, and dioceses, the U.S. Catholic Bishops are preparing for the largest campaign of civil disobedience since the 1960’s during the civil rights movement.
  • Despite the unprecedented and historic nature of this event, the media have largely ignored it. Bias by omission has been a repetitive theme among the liberal national media and this obvious showing of bias is almost as scary as the Obama administration’s battle against religious freedom.

Click the link below for the entire article:
Media Bias Against Faith Reporting

Monday, June 4, 2012

Despite WH Claim, Ban on Sex-Selection Abortion Didn’t Require Abortionist to Determine Motivation for Abortion |

The following excerpts are from an article by Fred Lucas at
  • White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Thursday that President Barack Obama opposed legislation that would ban abortions done to terminate an unborn child of undesired gender because it would put doctors in the position of having to determine a woman's "motivations" for an abortion or else face criminal prosecution.
  • "The administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms," Carney said at a White House press briefing. "But the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision. I think we, again, oppose gender discrimination in all cases. I think our record on that is very clear. The president’s record on that is very clear.”
  • However, Section 5 of the Parental Nondiscrimination Act says, “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require that a healthcare provider has an affirmative duty to inquire as to the motivation for the abortion, absent the healthcare provider having knowledge or information that the abortion is being sought based on the sex or gender of the child.”
  • The bill was defeated in the House Thursday in a 246 to 168 vote, because it failed to get a two-thirds majority.

Click the link below to read more:

Despite WH Claim, Ban on Sex-Selection Abortion Didn’t Require Abortionist to Determine Motivation for Abortion |

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Where Will You Be When the Lights Go Out? - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

The following excerpts are from an article by columnist Marita Noon:
  • The passage of time is marked with milestones. We each know where we were when President Kennedy was shot, when the Berlin Wall came down, and on the morning of 9-11. If we continue on the current course, you’ll be telling your grandchildren where you were the night the lights went out in America.
  • America’s energy policy is being dominated by environmentalists’ priorities—regardless of the impact to the American economy, individual communities, or economically-challenged citizens. The plans to shut down or limit America’s abundant, available, and affordable energy are organized, coordinated, and effective. The results will be “lights out in America”—a dim future.
  • On May 30, the Wall Street Journal alerted us to the Sierra Club’s new campaign aimed at killing the natural gas industry: “Beyond Natural Gas.” WSJ reports: “This is no idle threat. The Sierra Club has deep pockets funded by liberal foundations and knows how to work the media and politicians. The lobby helped to block new nuclear plants for more than 30 years, it has kept much of the U.S. off-limits to oil drilling, and its ‘Beyond Coal’ campaign has all but shut down new coal plants. One of its priorities now will be to make shale gas drilling anathema within the Democratic Party.”
  • How do they think we will power America? With intermittent, ineffective, and uneconomical wind and solar energy.

Click the link below to read more:

Where Will You Be When the Lights Go Out? - Marita Noon - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Peruvian says feminist campaign promotes abortion, not women :: EWTN News

The following excerpts are from EWTN News:
  • A pro-life advocate in Peru denounced a recent campaign by the feminist group Manuela Ramos, arguing that it does not benefit Peruvian women but seeks to legalize abortion in cases of rape.
  • The director of the Latin American Office of the Population Research Institute, Carlos Polo, made the comments after learning about the campaign called “Justice for Them.” 
  • The campaign’s website claims it will be posting testimonies from women who have been raped and have been forced to undergo back-alley abortions or continue on with their pregnancies.
Click the link below to read more:
Peruvian says feminist campaign promotes abortion, not women :: EWTN News
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